Choosing a School District in Colorado Springs
As parents, we want the best for our kids. We want to secure for them a better life and a brighter future. Seeing them healthy and happy is one of the most joyful parts of watching our children grow up. But knowing how to help our children be their best can be challenging. They start learning at such a young age, and their habits form so early and easily, that we can’t afford to waste time getting our kids on the right track.
Access to a good education is considered one of the most fundamental building blocks in a child’s life. And we want to give our children those blocks and opportunities to succeed so that they can achieve their biggest dreams. But opportunity doesn’t always knock; sometimes, we need to walk up to the door and ring the bell until someone answers.
So how do you choose a school district for your children? Which door is the right door? You’ll want to look closely at each district’s report cards before you make your decision.
Here are some great questions to consider when looking for a school for your children’s education to flourish:
How does the district test?
Test scores are an excellent way to assess a school district’s performance. Seeing the data can lay it out for you, plain and simple. Investigate the various district options in your area and see how they compare. Testing numbers don’t mean everything, but you’ll want to be a part of a district that frequently tests their students to make sure kids are absorbing all of the vital curricula.
District 49
District 49, which covers the Meridian Ranch community, closely tracks student progress throughout the year using the Star™ and DIBELS™ assessment tools. Deploying a regular cycle of testing tells a more complete story of student progress through the school year compared to the annual state mandated CMAS exam. The district is very excited that key findings show that all students are growing with D49’s approach to classroom instruction, coaching and intervention.
Pikes Peak Early College, a hybrid-learning high school in District 49, consistently ranks among the top high schools in Colorado. Students enrolled in Pikes Peak Early College have the opportunity to simultaneously earn their high school diploma, industry certification, associate’s degree, or up to two years of college credit.
How happy are the teachers?
Teachers get into teaching because they care about our children’s learning. It’s their whole job. And the better equipped they are to do their job, the happier they’ll be. Teacher happiness directly translates to a better education experience for all kids. A district that cares for the teachers’ overall well-being will become a stable and comfortable learning environment for our kids.
District 20
GRADED A: Teachers in Academy District 20 seem to be having a good go of it. Niche named District 20 the #2 best place to teach in the Colorado Springs area. There’s a correlation between teacher happiness and results here, too. Niche has also named District 20 the #2 best overall school district for Colorado Springs.
Cordera is a beautiful community offering easy access to District 20 schools, and all the amenities your whole family might want or need.
What is the class size?
Many reports show that kids experience better growth when the teacher to student ratio is kept lower. These reports seem like common sense: the smaller the ratio, the more time the teacher can spend focused on helping our children learn. Smaller class sizes can also mean fewer overall disruptions from other students, which gives the teachers more time to teach. This is especially important in the early growth of a student.
Meridian Ranch Elementary
Meridian Ranch Elementary School (PK-5) ranks 4th amongst elementary schools in El Paso County and has a student-to-teacher ratio that is lower than the national average. When you look at the numbers, they’re pretty straightforward. This elementary school is rated one of the highest in Colorado Springs and is considered one of Colorado’s top 50 elementary schools.
Encompass Heights Elementary School
Academy District 20’s newest school, Encompass Heights Elementary, focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and evidence-based reading instruction. This school serves Colorado Springs’ Cordera community and is proud to boast a student-to-teacher ratio of just 13:1.
What extracurricular options does the District offer?
Extracurricular courses and activities are an essential but often overlooked part of keeping our children engaged in their schooling. Education comes in many forms and a myriad of options to choose from just means more paths for the students to explore. The more opportunities we can give our children to sink their teeth into a new hobby or interest, the more likely they will find a way to enjoy their school experience.
District 20
Pine Creek High School in Academy School District 20 offers a myriad of activities; from niche interests such as American Sign Language Club, Chemistry Club, Mock Trial, and Writer’s Guild to more typical activities such as Band, Choir, Theatre, and a variety of sports.
District 49
Falcon High School in District 49 also offers an assortment of clubs for various interests as well as a strong athletics department offering football, golf, wrestling, track, tennis and much more.
Finding a great school district is the cornerstone for our childrens’ education. It provides them all of the opportunities they need to become great kids and even better adults. Give your kids the tools they need by being a part of one of these phenomenal districts. And Campbell Homes has your family in mind – all of these districts are a part of our community, and that’s no accident. Campbell Homes builds to create the best present and most exciting future, for you and your children.